Quinto Martini
Quinto Martini is one of the artists housed in the permanent collection of the Museo Novecento in Florence. The opening of the Museum was officiated by the Mayor of Florence, Mr. Dario Nardella in June 2014. The Museo Novecento of Florence consecrates the most important Italian artists of the last century, collecting 300 works in 15 halls of the monumental complex of the Old Hospital Leopoldine in heart of the birthplace of the Renaissance bringing the Modern Art to the right prominence in the artistic and cultural heritage that the city offers.

Here are seen photographs taken at the inauguration by ANSA and reported by the national newspaper Quotidiano Nazionale.
The work of Quinto Martini is the photograph n. 3, the first photograph of the works reproduced, and in the background of the photo n. 17.
--> Here the opening footage